Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Well My lovelies what sort of day have you had, I myself have been very busy..again.This morning I helped the father varnish the garden furniture prior to it being put into the garage to over winter!! Unfortunately for all concerned I slipped at some point and fell head first into the tin of varnish...resulting in me having to have a shower. Damn nusiance as my shower was not due untill ther end of next month!!
If Ted is reading this my cape cape was UNHARMED
After my shower I had to pop across to the Kola Peninsular to check on the carpenters working at the Winter Palace. I am having the cobbles in the great hall removed and replaced with wooden floor ( not unlike the ones the human mother and dad have recently had fitted...though of course mine will be far superior!!!!!!) anyway all was well underway so I left them to it and returned to Berkshire to assist the mothers friend with her difficult job!! and to watch some train from her big window.
Now do remember that some time ago I had an email from the Aunt Frank about her excenteric friend and lodger Madge the Chicken , she of the loose wings and legs!! ( as I have said before and no doubt have to say again the looseness refers to Madge and not The Aunt Frank ).
Not only did the Aunt Frank email me but also so did Madge herself. It appears that she has been so worried by the unsolicited and not to mention unwanted attentions of a certain Mr Raynard Fox that she has been so far as to attempt the taking of her life. Unfortunately ( or fortunately depending on which way you look at it ) she is not of the human ilk and so it would be pointless her trying to shuffle of this mortal coil or any other for that matter!!!
Where to start ( that is a foxxy question) well as it is getting late and the feeble minded assistant is tired , and so even more incompitant than usual I will have to continue this story tomorrow!
Tonights photos are of Raynard himself looking very dapper , the second is one of Madges botched attempts at topping herself...messy very messy. The last is of me seconds before disaster struck and I fell headlong into the tin................. or was I pushed?????????????
Good night friends...................................................................


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