Vlad salutes you

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Greatings once more my friends....and how are you all today. I was out yesterday afternoon supervising the Mother and Father ( the human ones) . They are busy 'revamping' their house!! The quest yesterday afternoon? was tiles for the downstairs cloakroom, a very important room ( Ted, will agree with that if he is reading this).
I have to make sure that they choose something of taste, something we can all live with, we need no horrendous fashion statements ( like the hall ) thank you very much......Ok it was all well and good in its' time but now ......PLEASE! the less said the better and as it is next on their list I will not nag!!!
Anyway they have chosen some rather interesting white tiles ( now, now I am not being sarcastic they are interesting) they are edged , and look not unlike a picture frames, and they have , with my imput of course , picked a stunning border of black edged with silver!!
I hope you have noticed that I have endeavered to provide you with good weather for the weekend ( for some reason you all seem to set such store from these two days of the week???) The mother has done all her washing and got it dry and she and her cousins , sisters and friends have been raving about the this fact ( getting the washing dry) on the MSN!! Sad how easily you humans are pleased........................
Last night whilst I was recounting Madges' recent problems with Raynard I was called away to assist my real father Ivan with the Grandmothers' errant cat, Tommikins. He is so wayward and always causing havoc ....the Grandmother will not hear a word against him................... well all I will say is , Royal personages, drinking , clubs and women.... I will say no more at this point in time ...there will be no point in you pressing me my lips are sealed and anyway the the crisiss has been averted!!
Returning to Madges' problems as I had already said she was panicking and and distressing herself about Raynards frequent , nocturnal visits. The evidence of which was clear to see from the the piles of bird feathers and mess strewd around the patio most mornings.
Well the Aunt Frank and Madge herself have emailed me on more than one occaision!! I have replied and now visited Madge ( and the Aunt Frank ) on more than one occaision and disscussed the situation ....unfortunately to no avail! I have heard only this morning , from the Aunt Frank that Madge is still jittery and skittish and that she fears any further delay in dealing with the delecate situation could result in a tradgedy. Well there is nothing else for this I will just have to summons the two Slove Bats, back from their vacation at the lovely Lisa's house and we will have to go around to the Aunt franks' house and sort this matter out without delay!!
The Sloves and the majority of the other friends and servants had elected to stay at the lovely Lisas' place instead of coming on holiday to Portugal with me ,The Tzar and Nycol the other week.
I have sent a carrier bat around to summons them and as soon as they return we will be off on our trouble shooting duties ( I have had to mediate many a time in many a situation through out my long , long life ....and if I say so myself I am quite good at this sort of thing!!)
AH! I hear them returning as I type so I shall take my leave of you now and hopefully I will be back tomorrow to fill you all in on what transpired.
The photos are of Madge looking skittish as ever...............................
Good night for now....................................................................................


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