Vlad salutes you

Monday, October 09, 2006

Problems with Madge

Once again the day has been a busy one. I spent the morning assisting the mothers' friend, who is still on this infernal health kick................. eating fruit and veg YUCK most unhealthy for an undead like myself!!
In the afternoon I helped the human father to make a shelf and board for the downstairs cloakroom then we also priced up the tiles and borders , most industrious. The mother was at work and I popped in to see her several times but she was too busy to notice me!!!
Now as you recall I was off to visit the Aunt Frank and Madge last night when I left you all. I had called in the best of my security troops ( the two Slove Bats). They were holidaying at the house of the lovely Lisa at the time but as soon as my carrier bat had summons them they returned post haste. We discussed options and decided the that the direct approach would be best. We left imediately and made our way , by stealth to the Aunts' house. It was dark when we arrived and we could see in the back garden two ghostly figures crouching halfway down near the bushes. At the window of the conservatry we could see Madge sitting and twiching the blinds!
I sent the Sloves down to see who an what the figures were, and what they were up to. I entered the house and spoke to Madge...if you can call it a talk all I could get out of her was a load of gibberish and mummblings. The Aunt Frank asked Madge to calm down and explained the situation to me. Madge was convinced that Raynard was here only to kill and gobbel her up!! I said that was highly onlikely as, (1) she was not a mortal chicken and (2) as he had spent so long trying to make contact it was most unlikely.
Madge was as usual figgiting and twitching around and threatening to jump off of the top of the freezer and end it all...( sad creature I had already informed her that not being mortal she could not DIE!!!!)
At that point the Sloves returned and reported to me.
Sorry I have to dash off again apparently Tommikins is still causeing Ivan problems ....I shall have to leave you in suspence untill we next meet!!
Tonights photos are one of myself and the two Sloves in stealth mode and the other is of Raynard and his lady friend Frieda>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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