Vlad salutes you

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Great Balls Of Lightening

Hello my little friends I return to you much rested and invigourated . Not only have I had a much needed sleep but I have also had a wonderful time riding Ball Lightening as I said, yesterdays weather was so to my taste and the lightening so much fun to ride!!! I have enclosed a photo of the very Ball Lightening I was riding , in fact it was instramental in my extracating Tommikins ( beloved pain in the arse, I mean beloved cat of the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape) from a rather embarrasing situation involving some prominant regal personages!! Unfortunately, for you, I am not at liberty to give you names or locations but I will just say this, winding down or not a certain PM was very greatful for my intervention!!
I also dropped by at Windsor to talk to a concerned grandmother. Not mine I hasten to add, and set her mind at rest. I had my photo taken with one of her properties in the background , you can still the ball lightening but the rain is so heavy that the photograph is almost awash!!
Today has been a slower day but I am not complaining I had so much on of late what with dealing with Neurotic Madge and the imfamous Tommikins I was glad of the peace and quiet. I accompanied the human mother to work in the morning where she was most busy but in good company so she kept her smile true and straight all morning ( creep!!)
She met her friend ( the one I help on a regular basis) for lunch then she visited her Homeopath , I have investigated this person and found them to be most worthy of my friendship. I shall watch with interest to see if she improves the health of the feeble minded assistant!!
I have been keeping an eye on the foreign property ratings and am most disturb to see that Rumania ( Transylvania) is becoming increasingly popular. Even Royals buying properties on my estate within my Kingdom and Domain. I am not impressed with this influx of the hoypaloy I am most annoyed at this turn of events and have dispatched the two Sloves Bats to investigate most throughly , all commers and vet closely any persons, regal or not wishing to purchase property within my homelands!!
I shall have to take my leave now as I am going out to join the new craze of standing infront of cctv and traffic webcams and waving to family and friends???????????????
Obviously in my case I will be flying ..... I am not sure why you humans have started doing this it sounds rather stupid to me?? I also must check on our tardy friend in charge of the Aurora Borealis he is slacking off again!!! So till we meet again good night.........................................................


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