Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Madge Situation Reaches a Conclusion

The day just got better and better weatherwise as far as I was concerned today lashing of wet, wet rain and high winds wonderful!! The problem was that I could not really appreciate it as much as I would of liked because as I had said I had to dash off to Ivans' ( my father ) aid. That darn renogade Tommikins , beloved of the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape, was out there causing trouble again!! And my poor father was hard put to control him so as usual I had to go and reign him in!! Not an easy task as Tommikins is not a gentle little pussy but a large and very fierce Black cat with a long tongue, sharp claws and even sharper teeth!!
Needless to say I did sort the situation and an International incident was averted!
Now before I had to dash off so abruptly this afternoon I was filling you in on the Madge situation and the alarming fact that Madge ( for all her inherrant unstablity) was not the subject of the terror campaign but the Aunt Frank herself was the intended victim. When it came to light from the mouths of the two Sloves that the snidy devious Ted was behind the whole sorry situation and even paying Raynard to harras the family. I for one was not suprised but the Aunt and her husband were!! The had absolutely no idea that Ted could stoop so low!!
We noticed that the Brandy had worked its magic on Madge, either that or she was deceased ( and as I have pointed out on more than one occaison that is not possible) We gentlely covered her up with a soft warm blanket and tucked her up in a comfortable chair to sleep off the trials of the past few months. Raynard and Frieda were invited in and after the husband had assured them that shots would be fired they gingerly entered.
We all sat around and planned what we would do with the low life known as Ted!! I am sorry I can not tell you here on these pages the outcome of that discussion as that Ted could well be reading this Blog. All I will say to you Ted is watch your back son!!
I am extreemely tired now and so I must take a short nap before I get back to my seasonal job of waking the Autumn Fairies from their Summer sleep I have shown you a couple of them on previous evening and tonight I am showing you Ulrika , the young male Fairy in the photo with me is Urie her brother! The second photo!! Does it really need introduction??.............................. Yes it is Tommikins Beloved of the Grandmother. Night , Night all I am exhausted.........................................


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