Vlad salutes you

Sunday, October 15, 2006

Baking .......................... Hot !!/ Cooking up a storm

Have I ever mentioned before that I am a master chef............. NO! well that is very remiss of me for I am a not only a master chef but one of great note!! I have been very creative in the Kitchen today baking cakes for the feeble minded assistant , she was meant to be baking a banana cake and a fruit cake but as usual she is soooooo inefficient that I had to take over and save the day. If I say so myself the results are amazing and delicious. To set those of you who are of a pinictity domestic nature, mind's at rest not only did I do the mixing entirely by paw but I also cleared up as I went along so there was no mess left behind me in the kitchen when I had finished!!
The mother , same afore mentioned feeble minded assistant, went for an hour long walk just to clear her head...just goes to show what a big head she must have:) As far as I am concerened she may as well of saved her energy as she did not seem any better for her excertions.
Do you remember I introduced you to Tinker the pet of the humans I stay with and very close friend of mine well I have enclosed a photo of her for you ,all to see. Quite a beauty is she not...yes that is her photo above. She is a wonderful character...totally deaf, completely mad, throughly nervous , noisey ...always shouting due to being deaf,and constantly bewildered!! A cat to be proud of ...and habits well she often attacks ( suddenly and without provocation ) and kills her own tail ....then sits there looking astounded and wondering why her tail is hurt or even why it is in her mouth or under her paw?? Although she quite likes the humans that are part of her family she is never amused when any of the sons come to stay and she will moan loadly at them and go off in a huff to make a protest in the bath ...if anyone has been stupid enough to leave the door open!!
We have been disturb the last few nights by a cat letting itself in by her catflap and eating her food. Tinker being deaf and old tends to sleep through all this only once comming face to face with the intruder and , to her credit she won the battle that insued. The father had , had to get up and sort the two opponents out. There has been much talk in the house as to identity of the mystery intruder............................ well to be honest there is no real mystery about it is, as I know who the interloper is !! Yes it is that dreadful Tommikins!!!!!! Have no fear I am armed and ready and shall be sorting that darn cat out for good very very soon.
Well The Vladdette and I had a wonderful time last night we took Baby Vlad to visit our fiends up north and watched the Northern Lights before going on to visit the Granmother with the invisible Cape. ( I meant Fiends that was not a typo!!)
Again duty calls and I must take my leave of you all. Unill we meet again good night to you all...............................................................................


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