Vlad salutes you

Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Approach of Halloween !!

Strange , unseasonal weather aside, this is my favorite time of the year!! The fog swirls around in the mornings and evenings, and you humans never know quite what wear..it may start hot and turn cold or cold and turn hot ...mother nature ( a cantankerous lady at the best of times is at a truely wierd ebb this year!!) Not only is the weather exciting but there is so much to look forward to. The Autumn brings so much promise ....mostly of death ..eg leaves from trees and flowers wilting and usually but not definately, this year, the end of , what you humans term the good weather........... You must not bemoan death in nature or the leaving of the warm and long days because there is much to be loved in these Autumn , transiton days. The velvet darkness of a night lit with pin point stars. The dark, stark branches of a tree stripped of leaves reaching up for the last weak rays of winter sun, whipped by harsh north winds. The promise of the coming winter and hopefully lots and lots of snow carried on the whining wind as it swirls the leaves and finds all the hidden rubbish from under hedges and doorsteps! Beautiful colours , warm reds
( puts me in mind of BLOOD) golden yellows, dark muddy browns. Delight delight Crisp mornings white frost and hoare everywhere.....what more could we ask for?? Chilblaines perhaps:(
The chap who looks after the Aurora Borealis has promised to keep on his toes and will not be assosiating with Master Tommikins again in a hurry ( after I pointed out the error of his ways the other night and intemated the possible consquences to him. ) I am pleased to report that he is well back on form and the lights are now up to their usual spectactular standards again at long last! I have enclosed a photo of his recent handy work ( at the top of this Blog) for your delectation.
I have been rushed off of my paws today dashing around checking out cars for people, meeting errant ponies , escaped from Irish Gyspies!! Sorting out and updating the Aunt Franks' computer and averting yet another nervous breakdown from besetting Madge!! That darn chicken will be the the straw that brakes my back if I do not take care!! ( The mother knows all about broken backs and informs me that are no fun at all!)
Well all is quiet ( for now ) on the Tommikins front and I for one can tell you that I am most grateful for small mercies! As you can imagine my busiest time of the year is fast approaching!! Yes you have it in one, the seaon of all seasons ...the festival of all festivals..... Autumn and Halloween. I have instructed the mother to make some preparations and I am glad to report that for once she had made quite an effort. As you can see from the picture below she has made rather a good effort with the flower display. Not only has she made an effort with the flora and forna but she has also been invited to a most prosdidious Halloween Party on the 4th Nov!! She will with the assistance of myself and the Vladdette be dressing up and we can assure you now she will be looking a proper sight on the night:) Thankfully she will not need too much make up as she will probably go as a witch (HE HEHE!!!!!!)
I can now report that I have awoken all four Autumn Faries and so they are busy weaving the magic of this wonderful season. I am glad to say that I will not have to stir anymore Fairy Folk untill late December when it will be time to wake the Christmas and Winter Fairies..... I hear you asking yourselves why there was mention of me awaking the Spring and Summer Fairies, the answer is simple....... they do not need waking the Spring Fairies are eager and every ready to be up and about opening things up and breathing life into this and that , the same can be said of the Summer Fairy folk spreading warmth and colour and getting things ready for harvest...Too blooming busy and goody goody for me, give me my dark end of the year and grey begining every time!!!!!
Well my dears I will have to take my leave of you now as I have promised the Vladdette that I will take her and the Baby Vlad up north this evening to watch the Aurora then we will nip accross to visit the Grandmother in the Transylvanian Castle. ( Not a bad thing as I can check on how the Slove Bats are coping with the latest influx of the foreign hoards to my beloved homeland)
I wish you all a good night :)......................................................................................


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