Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Tommikins+ Ivan = Big Trouble

Good evening my friends what sort of day have you had? I have been very busy once again . My real mother Annuska has asked me to keep an eye on my real father, ( Ivan) who we all love dearly , but unfortunately we cannot trust. Now let there be no misunderstanding he is as honest and trust worthy as the day is long. NO , that is not the problem, the trouble is he is too caring, too kind too helpful too niave for his or anyone elses good for that matter!! I have , in earlier blogs told you of the terrible scraps he gets into, often lead astray by the imfamous cat Tommikins ( he beloved by the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape). I have also told how he adores the Grandmother and can never see any wrong in the awful things she does to him!! The trouble is she hates him with a vengence , she hates him even more than he loves her....if that is at all possible!!
Well Annuska spoke to me this morning and asked me if I would help Ivan as she had to go to visit one of dieing stars out on the extreeme edge of your little universe! . He had got himself tied up in knots ...quite literally as it turned out.
Tommikins had been out clubbing again with those young regal personages that I have alluded to before, yet again they had only bearly escaped causing a diplomatic incident. Well to give him credit Ivan had gone in and sorted all things out and for once , with no outside help from me. He returned the two young men to where they should be and extracated the Tommikins from the clutches of jail!! All this he had acomplished , with the minimum of fuss only to find on his return to the Castle in Transylvainia that he was once again the butt of the Grandmothers wrath. Her precious Tommikins was looking tired and unkempt , to her!! ( Hardly suprising as he had been out on the lash with the regal lads for the last three days...not to mention nights).
Well unfortunately the Grandmother will hear no wrong of her precious Tommikins and so without even listening to Ivans' explanation of how he actually saved the cat from a long jail sentence she had had him thrown into a dungeon ( infact I am pretty sure it is the dungeon next to the one in which Millaine The Villaine is languishing!!) and then she let her pet , giant spiders, practice their webb making on him!!
By the time I had flown into the Castle and spoken with Grandmother and pleaded with her to tell me the exact where abouts of my father , and then been and found him he was trusssed up like an egyptian mummy and the spiders were discussing as to where best to hang him up with a view to feeding on him later. ..... I can tell you it took all of my diplomatic skills to arrange his safe release!!!! That darn Tommikins was all this time ( whilst I was arranging the extracation of his so called mate and of late rescuer.) was sat on the Grandmother with the Invisible capes lap smiling!!!!
At last fathers release secured, with help of some of the servants I unraveled him and what was the first thing he said after he had thanked me for his efforts???? " How is the wonderful mother-in-law? Vlad, my son she is such a wag pretending to feed me to her spiders!" ................ the mind boggles dad it boggles , I thought to myself and mother will not be best pleased with the Grandmother!!
Still all was well that ended well and I sugested that Ivan and I leave the Castle imediately and go and meet mother who would be on her way back from the ends of the universe. My father as always wanted to speak to the Grandmother first to thank her for her hospitality ....I lost my patience at that point and dragged him off!!
Tonights photos are one of me with my mother Annuska ( she is appearing in her nearest form to human , she can change her appearence at will) you will see that in the photo she is melded with me . In the other photo she and my father are again in near human form and melded together. This is no trick of the camera when we are together we always meld in photos ...something to do with being Imortals and too beautiful for you to understand!!
I am off now to have some R&R with Nycol and the Tzar ..after today I think I need it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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