Decorations ------------------- Preparations

I am most glad to report that today has been been much quieter and more serene than yesterday was! Having rescued father from the evil clutches of the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape and her horrific pet spiders. I wisked him off and up into outer space where we intersepted mother. She was, as always extatic to see Ivan and myself . We all popped over to the Winter Palace on our way home to check out the new decorations in the Ice Ballroom( the very one in which we held the Millenium Party earlier this year). I was most impressed as I had not seen it completed .Mother as ususal , has wonderful taste and it looks absolutely splendid!! I have included a photo of it here at the bottom of this Blog entry.
If you remember last night when I left you I was off for some R&R with Nycol and the Tzar..I am not saying too much but a good evening was had by all and consequentially I had to sleep in a while this morning and did not get down to see the human(AKA the feeble minded assistant) mother's friend untill after the baggette lady had been and gone, but she , the friend, had saved me some hoola hoops!!!! Yippee not rubbishy , healthy snacks:)
Apparently it was the friends' Birthday ( this is a quaint custom that you humans celebrate every year luckily for me , I have had so many that it would be usless to count them anymore as your brains do know a number big enough to discribe how old I am). Anyway the mother met her friend at lunchtime and they celebrated with coffee and chocolate cake.....mind you they would not let me have any so I had to resort to my Cape of Invisibility and pinch some!!!!!!!!!!!!
I have also had to supervise the human father who is painting the wookwork in the hall and what has been termed as the superior water closet ( by our friends on the IOW) As usual I have had to fetch and carry , repair mistakes clean up spillages and paint in the fiddly bits....and let him ( poor soul ) take all the credit for the hard work!!!! My dear friends I have once again to take my leave as there is much preparation to be made if all is to be ready for the 31st............. YES HALLOWEEN never mind about just watch out for me and my friends ...... we shall be out and about!! I have put a photo at the top of the Blog of myself with Nycol, the Tzar , Bear Bear, Felix and Laurance as we start our preparations for the big night!!
Sleep well!!!.................................................................................................................
As promised Photo of Ice Ballroom............

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