Vlad salutes you

Thursday, October 26, 2006

Darkly Dank with Beauty

I know that I have said this before but my mother Annuska is working marvels at the Winter Palace and the decorations are looking wonderful such gloriously funieral colours truely chill the heart and send the spirits spiralling down to the depths of dispair ( which is exactly where they should be!! ) I have enclosed a photo of the Orangery and the Minstrals Gallery. Well done mother I salute you!!!
The catering has all been taken care of, I have seen to that, and I have made sure that the caterers have been paid up front, as I know from past experience they can cut up very nasty as the Borgers (close family friends) found to their detriment , they were actually poisoned and poor Lucrecia was blamed for the whole sorry mess..most unfair but I digress!
As I was saying I have all that sorted and am still keeping a tight reign on the purse strings!! My Darling Wife Vladdette has also been stretched sorting out costumes for all insundry searching far and near in this Galaxy and the neighbouring one for enough ideas to please everyone!! To you, my dear I also raise my cape and salute you too! I ask myself who is going to salute me.......anyone? As usual no praise for me is forth coming. I see there is no point in labouring the point as, asusual I being taken for granted!
On other fronts I too have been busy ..... again today I had to go up to the hospital and work on the case of the human mothers friends' husband ..... ..the poor medics are still floundering around but I have the case well sussed and will be imparting my knowledge to them tomorrow....Well I have to say it ' that is just the type of vampire that I am'.
The human father is working well, again under my supervision and I am quite pleased with the progress in the cloakroom. The floor layer was back and and I had to over see his efforts...the least said about him the better......I waited until he left and then perfected the floor myself before the humans had time to see what he had done...It is at times like that , that my Cape of Invisibility comes into its' own. Well the floor is now up to my high standards so lets hope that is an end to that chapter!!
Well my friends I am afraid I will to leave you now . I know you want me to stay but unfortunately the feable minded assistant is complaining of back ache and I supose I best not over work her as I need her to do lots of little simple , human things for me over the next few days. So it had best be ....... softly , softly catchy monkey...................
I am off now to check on the Aurora Borealis...yet again ....I KNOW...I KNOW ..I have the patience of a fiend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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