Vlad salutes you

Friday, November 03, 2006

Tiling Miles, and Party Smiles Moving Blues and Red Red Shoes

Peasants appeased and Annuska happier I am back tonight with more tales of the party!! Firstly though I will fill you in on my day. It all started normally enough the , human, mother brought us all porridge in bed I then arose and did my ablutions and then I went early to the mothers friend's office!! Having made sure she was organised and happy I whizzed down to south to officiate over the house removal of the Mothers sister the Aunt ( another one!!)......... A mammoth task that has kept me busy for these past few months...any way I have them , now safely installed in their new home up North!!
Having accomplished that I had to return home Via the mother's friend's office to ensure she was still OK and share her Hoola Hoops and grout all the tiles for the father and then to have a little light relief I flew over to the Isle of White to visit my friend the Empress Valentina....whilst I was there I decided to have some fun with her pet humans and swapped their tablets round .....and am now , even as we speak awaiting the outcome of my clever man0uvers.
I think you have been patient enough....as I was saying last night the guests started to arrive at two minutes to twelve and we were all ready for them...food laid out, the musicians rescued from the Moscow traffic jam were ensconced in the Ice Ballroom and very soon the Palace was buzzing ( that ugly rumour that Ivan had accidentally tripped and knocked out an electrical cable onto the ice floor and sent billions of watts sparking through the unsuspecting guests is grossly exaggerated.......................... well OK ...but it was an accident)
Yes guest of all kinds past, present and future arrived and mingled. The undead , the nearly dead, the the young, the ancient Zombies, Vampires and humans and many many others too numerous to mention all partied together and a rave was had by all!! All tastes were catered for both at the table and in all other ways.....????
At one o'clock the buffet was officially opened by the Grandmother ( in the traditional style of her throwing Tommikins on to the banqueting table and shouting .."Grubs up ...tuck in before the Cat eats it all!!)...Then there was dancing and entertainment which went on till 3.30am when we all retired to the Winter garden to wittiness the Firework Spectacular that had been put on by Nigel and The Tzar!! This was so wonderful that I have posted four photos of the display on this blog!! Then it was back to the Ice Ballroom and dancing and drinking until 6.30am. Unfortunately everything has to come to stop at that time as some of the older undead have not come to terms to living in daylight yet!!.................... Believe it or not the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape is among that number ( which is why she is mostly seen at night!!)
It took until 7.45am to clear all the carriages, cars , flying slays and chariots ..not to mention helicopters, Lear jets and winged horses from the car park at the rear of the Palace!!!!!!
I must away now and check that all the clearing up has been finished and all the surrounding area has been tidied. I will Bid you all good night and sleep well....... to wake if you must to another day............................................................................


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