Vlad salutes you

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Party Guest ..and Musical Rescues!

I know the question that is burning a hole in your brains.....How did the Party go!! Well for those of you who did not attend I shall fill you in on the gossip. The First arrivals at two seconds to midnight were the three sisters Evil .. photos bottom right.... Vampires most lovely and three nicer girls you would be hard put to find ( they are very fond of small children and babies :{ ) Closely followed by the good fairy of the north ..pictured bottom centre... ( bit of a wimp but I had said all were welcome.
As you can see from the photos Annuska had done a wonderful job on the exterior of the Winter palace as well as working wonders inside!! Talking of my mother , Annuska, she and my father Ivan ....pictured top left.....were standing outside ready to welcome our guests both looking wonderful I must admit.....The Grandmother was there as well in one of her more human guises ...... top right.....though as usual she was no where near as welcoming!!!!
We also had some some human guest brave enough ( or should I say fool hardy enough to turn up! )......Pictured top centre....... To give them their due they were really game and and entered well into the spirit of things ...though they did did not start off too well when they greeted the Grandmother by saying what a Kool outfit she was wearing then the compounded things by flattering her on the lightening effects that her cane appeared to making !!!!!! In fact the more enraged she got the more they applauded her and in the end I had to whisk them off to the buffet before any harm befell them!! As I had said all were welcome and so all had to be protected??
The caters had arrived on time at 9pm which was a blessing ( we had used them before and so could leave them to set up ) because Ivan had had a message from the musicians he had hired for the evening saying that they were trapped in a traffic jam just south of Moscow and could we assist them or they would be terribly late. There was nothing for it but to drop everything and set off to rescue them and leave Vladddette and Annuska to take delivery of the napkins and pumpkins , graciously provided by the Aunt Frank , in lieu of services rendered by myself and my security boys!
The band rescued and the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape , once again happy ( she does so love to listen to dirges and and Wagner) . I would say we were all set to Party bang on the dot of three seconds to witching hour ..Halloween 06............
Well my lovelies I have to away and do some sorting out.....apparently there was a deficit among the local sheep population around the Winter Palace yesterday morning and those awful peasants are demanding an explanation from ME!! .......................... I ask you is right I ( Vlad the Magnificent ) should be answerable to them:{ I do not think so but as things are Annuska , my mother has asked me to go and talk to them but not to make a meal of them ....ERRRRRRR I meant a meal of it:)


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