The Sad Passing of a Dear friend
You may have noticed my absence for the last two nights. Well there is a very sad and simple reason for this. My dear and close friend Tinker passed away in the early hours of Thursday morning. I am not sure what the cause of her demise was but it seems likely it was either a heart attack or a stroke! It was, indeed a great shock ( even to me, cursed as I am with fore knowledge of most events) she had been well and happy all evening sitting on the human fathers lap . There is not much I can say she could not breath at about midnight and was collapsed by the door of her favourite room. ...She loved the computer room where the feeble minded assistant and I write our books and do our blogging.....she had a running battle with the human mother about who was going to sit in the computer chair was always Tinkers chair more than it ever was the mothers!! As I was saying she was by the door looking awful and then some how with an immense effort that she found from who knows where she managed to cross the room and leapt up on to her chair. That my friends is where she died............................ She fell off her chair.... a good friend of ours said that is how she would like to go , no pain , no pills just fall off the computer chair.

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