Vlad salutes you

Thursday, November 16, 2006


I do look peaceful resting here in my coffin ...... after the night and morning I had just had I think I darn well deserved it!!
Good grief where has today gone?? Rush, rush that all I ever seem to do! It all started with me arriving back late this morning from Ursa Minor to find that the feeble minded assistant was still mouldering in her pit!! Well being as it was Thursday she had to be up early for work.... So I had to get her up and running, and I mean quite literally running if she was not to be late for work. Luckily for all concerned I was successful and she did , indeed arrive on time and looking halfway decent!! I then dropped in on her friend ( she of the difficult job and excellent view of the trains !!! and lousy taste in snacks since she went all healthy on me!!!!!!!!) Well she was coping very well and so I decided to nip back to my coffin for a few hours kip.
How was my trip to Ursa Minor I hear you asking ....well my dears I can assure you that, entirely thanks to me, said planet has been saved from imminent destruction! There was a huge meteor shower headed straight for it and I, single PAWED, stopped it ( and it was no mean task and took all my superhuman strength to thwart the on coming missiles).
There is a map of the of Ursa Minors' position in the sky (just under the photo of me cosy in my coffin). I made my heroic stand just to the left and up a tad from Polaris !!! made a stand and won.
That is why I was so exhausted and having sorted out the planetary and minor human travails I was glad to sink into the soft red, silk of the coverlet within my coffin. And there to have beautiful nightmares of my Grandmothers Castle in Transylvania ....... a photo of me flying up the battlements adorns the top of this blog.
I must away , unfortunately Tommikins is on the rampage again and I shall have to go and sort him out before too much damage has been caused. SO I SHALL BID YOU ALL GOOD NIGHT SWEET DREAMS.......
.......................................................... NOT :)


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