Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Turky Smirky , Awkward Clients,Revolting Peasants and Mongol Hoards

Good evening once again I am here to greet you. I have been very busy once again Yesterday I was most involved helping the mothers friend ....she was busy at work and so needed my assistance but most importantly she was out to lunch with a friend and of course ( you know me I never miss a chance to eat out, especially if I am not footing the bill!) Well I got most of her work done for her and then nipped across the road and made an appointment for her with the Physio ( she is having trouble with her shoulder.....you humans are a frail lot!! After accompanying her and her friend to lunch and I might add footing the bill.... never let it be said I am not a gentleman! I popped in to see how the mother was coping with her job. I am sorry to report that she was snowed under with Turkey orders and weird customers with strange complaints and and awkward demands!! So I left her to .... well she was still smiling so I decided she could cope. Anyway I could not hang around too long as I had to get ready to take the Vladdette to the Kola Peninsular ..where we had booked some peasant baiting following which we were hosting a banquet in honour of some visiting hoards from Outer Mongolia!
As you can see I have enclosed a photo of a couple of the peasants ( revolting , as ever) and one of our view , the Vladdette and myself's) as we flew into the peninsular.
The One at the top of the blog is of the view from the banqueting hall!!!
The visitors and I had good sport and we all enjoyed our meal ..... 38 1/2 courses there were meant to be 39 but the chef had an accident.
I was rather worn out this morning but still managed to beat the mothers' friend to the office , she is becoming most tardy ( I am so proud of , she is learning all the best habits from me!!)....... The mother and father were also busy today buying soft furnishing, entertaining old friends ( well old by your standards!!) decorating , rowing and the mother has had her hair dyed the most fabulous shade of red ....it looks awful , horrendous and fowl........I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must be off now I am too busy to standing around here chatting I am off now to Ursa Minor to sort out some minor planetary problems............... I will see you on my return BYE BYE>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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