Vlad salutes you

Sunday, December 24, 2006

ALL IS WELL THAT ENDS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hold the front page!!!
I am so sorry that you have had to manage without me around to help..... but you will just have to appreciate that things have been absolutely horrendous for me!! Not only have I had to rescue my father from the wicked clutches of the evil Tommikins ( so beloved of the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape) But I had to save Madge the gingham chicken ( she of the loose nerves and even looser legs!!)
My father had been duped into stealing my friend Nick's sleigh , which incidentally was fully loaded with Christmas presents for the children ( and young at heart who still believe) of you tiny little Universe.
The trouble is that my Father, Ivan is such a kind and trusting creature that Tomminkins only has to feed him some 'cock and bull' story and Ivan falls for it every time!!.......... Madge on the other hand is such a neurotic and skittish bundle of nerves that Tommikins had to hypnotize her and use her ,Svengali - like ..thus turning her into a cunning and devious accomplice, she is as we speak under going intensive treatment at an undisclosed clinic!!
Anyway I am pleased to announce that after many a twist and turn ..some of which I have shared with you,some which have been too scary to .. and some , like the undercover observations, too boring to trouble you with! I have at last tracked down and retrieved the sleigh ( last seen swooping over Peterborough) and its entire contents!! It was not an easy task and took me completely out this Universe and through several others . I shall be filling you in on some of my exploits and the beings I encountered over the next few weeks .
For now I just wanted you all to know that you can rest assured that all is well and you can all sleep well in your beds tonight safe in the knowledge all your pressies will arrive whole, complete and BANG!!!! on time. Nick has asked me to accompany on his rounds tonight .... as the reindeer have been badly spooked by this whole , sad and sorry affair, and would feel much safer and secure if I am with them tonight! ...... I am just about to settle the two boys ( the Vladdette being out tonight partying with friends ) then I am off to to assist Nick ,with Nycol and the Tzar riding shot gun .
This is only for show as I have made sure the instigator of all this trouble is back with the Grandmother and she has promised to keep him locked in tonight!!
Well all that is left for me to do now is to wish you all a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS and wend my way up North ....................... The photos tonight are, at the top of the blog me with some of my cards and presents saluting you, and one of Nick and I at the very second we discovered the trail of presents that lead us to the stolen sleigh!! .................. Good night and sleep well!!


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