Vlad salutes you

Monday, December 11, 2006

Snow wars , motor bikes and hiden problems!!

Good evening Gracious friends I was away at the North for longer than I expected to be. There were terrible troubles involving my mate Nick's reindeer they were complaining that the nosh being provided for them was not up to its usual standards!! Personally if you ask me I thought the standard was pretty low..... you can judge for yourselves from the photos .....well it looks like ...snow snow AND MORE SNOW!!!!
Well there was nothing but rumbling and grumbling among the herd. Snitson and Blitzon were very militant, Dancer and Prancer were simply abusive!! Things did get rather sticky at one point and and it looked as if there was a mutiny was on the cards at one point. Luckily Annuska was not busy and she popped up to the North pole with a huge sack of carrots and several bails of straw.
Madge has again been sending multitudes of emails , I am afraid that my patience on that matter is wearing a tad thin!! If she does not come clean and spit out what her problem is I shall, I am afraid have to take stronger measures to drag it out of her!!!!!!!!
The weekend was very hectic with visitors galore and a visit from at least a thousand motor bikers !! All dressed up like Nick and his helpers!! I joined in the spirit of things as the photo at the bottom of this blog will attest! I am so busy that I have no more time to stay here talking to you so I am up, up and away
and so farewell until I have more time................


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