Vlad salutes you

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Pansies for Tinker ,Curtains and Cakes :)

Talk about Human Behaviour, as I was yesterday to my friend Bjork, there is just no understanding it ..... NO they are a very strange lot, so unpredictable. Be honest now what would you rather an emotionally immature , totally unreliable human, deliriously happy one minute then clinically depressed the next .... agreeing with every word you say only to turn on a sixpence and tell you are so wrong ?????? Or a selfish, deranged megalomaniac mad, bad and dangerous to know...... but constant , you always know where you are with us immortal Vampires....in trouble!! Personally I know what I would prefer!
This weekend has been very busy... on the human front yesterday was spent rushing around and doing fiddly things. Mind you in the morning the human mother and I went off to the local nursery and bought some winter plants. We returned home and the mother ( under my supervision) did what she called her winter patio pots....why I asked her, no one uses the patio in the winter ...she smiled and said they would be nice to look at ................. sad one , nice to look at....... I ASK YOU HOW LAME IS THAT??? She had also bought some Pansies ( I feel sorry for the flowers having such a silly name) I asked , though I was dreading what the answer would be but she surprised me by having a very sensible answer ready! She had , she said , bought them to brighten up Tinkers Grave ( though we have planted a bush there ..the mother felt that until it had grown a little the grave needed some colour) and for once I think she is correct.
Today she and the Aunt Frank spent all afternoon unpicking seams on a pair of curtains I watched eagerly to see what they would do next........ I can't explain the feeling of utter incredulity that waved over me as I watched them proceed ( after unpicking this pair of curtains ) to sow them back up thus making then into one curtain!!! ARGH!!!!!!!!!!! They spent three hour on this pointless exercise!! The day was not entirely wasted in the morning the mother baked two cakes ...one banana and one a fruit cake ( my most, most favourite ) There is a photo of me tucking into it at the bottom of the blog....yum yum comfy tum!!! The Photo at the top of this blog is of me checking out those curtains ...and I am forced to admit that the workman ship is very good , very good indeed , I would go as far as to say if they wished to make me a new cape I would accept!!!!
Well my dears I must away as Madge has been pestering me again and so I have to go and visit her now and try and calm her down. I will fill you in on the outcome tomorrow. No rest for the wicked HA HA HA .....................................................................................


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