Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Tree Dressing , Ivsibility and Nicholas

Well today was an utter and complete washout and waste of time!!!! I was summons to the Grandmothers Castle in the heart of the Carpathian mountains to dress the trees in her forest ( it surrounds the castle walls and is so dense ,almost as dense as the feeble minded assistant,that it deters all but the most determined of travellers) a job I have never liked as she is so picky. Still I though make the most of it,Vlad I told myself....take the boy with you! So I took Vlad -san with me Baby Vlad being otherwise engaged , having a mansion haunting tutorial with Annuska and Ivan on the Isle of Wight. We arrived Vlad-san and myself in the mist of a blizzard a total white out ..to be greeted by Tommikins , the grandmothers infamous cat, I do not trust the bounder he is being way to pleasant to young Vlad-san. Tommikins and pleasant do not belong in the same sentence!! Therefore I spent most of the time there keeping an eye on said black cat!! Never being one to waste time I made sure that we both had our invisible capes on so that the boy had some extra training in the use of said appendage. As you will see from the photos at the top of the blog the lad is quite accomplished and the photo at the bottom of the blog shows that he has the art of Invisibility completely mastered I dare you to spot him!!
So whilst the human mother and father were wasting their day faffing around with relatives computers I was training my boy and if I say so myself making a very good job of it!!!!!!! The photos speak for themselves.
I am off tonight to visit a friend of mine who lives at the north pole and needs a lot of help t this time of year ..Nick has never been a good planner and always leaves things to the last minute .... though he is very good at making lists and checking them more than once!!
I am off now...what is that you ask ...what about Madge ...well today so far no emails so I am letting sleeping chickens lie , no doubt she will be in touch when her nerves next crack!!!! I am off and away now to see Nick and co ..any messages I can take for you???


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