Vlad salutes you

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

MISSING THREE DAYS???????????????

Where have the last three days gone I have been so so busy that I have not had time to turn around....luckily being Immortal it does not matter if I do not have time to breathe ( and I am here to tell you that I have not!!!!) Well you may ask what have I been up too....... after the curtain episode the mother was very busy on Monday doing a spring clean of the house , I am not absolutely sure whether it was a spring clean for this year just past or or an early one for the spring that is just around the corner, waiting to sneak out as soon as Christmas has worn itself out???? Talking of Christmas The grandmother with the Invisible Cape as asked me to decorate the Castle in Transylvania ( with Christmas Decs....I have enough ordinary decorating on supervising the human father in his house revamping ( lovely word!!) Well there is no refusing the Grandmother so not only have I had to sort the Christmas decorations for my Winter palace I have to now produce something magnificent for the ancient
Matriarch!!I have been so busy that I have had to delegate the castles in Spain to my security company out there they are busy too as they keep an eye on the Aunt Franks small property out there, I have sent Nycol and the Tzar out to New York to oversee the adornment of my apartment, and Vladette has taken the baby Vlad out to our Caribbean island to personally decorate the Palm trees and grass huts!!....I tell you there is no peace for the undead!!
Yesterday was busy too I had to help the mothers friend at her office as usual and then accompany the mother ( aka the feeble minded assistant ) she was out to lunch with the Aunt Frank and the Aunt Fay I refer to them as the two Fs' THEY, DUE TO UNFORSEEN CIRCUMSTANCES WERE LATE AND SO I KEPT AN EYE ON THE MOTHER ....SHE TENDS TO BE A LITTLE SKITTISH IF LEFT TO HER OWN DEVICES!! All the time I still had to keep an eye on the father who is still plodding along with the decorating!
Today they dragged me from my coffin and sent me off to the Friends office ..all hell had been let loose and it took me a good hour or so to sort things out including a trip to the hospital via my helicopter!!And then as if that was not enough I had to accompany the human mother and father to buy a new mirror for their hallway!! Well I can tell you I was relieved when the mother went to work I could organise the father to get some top coating on the stairs and landing...whilst I read through 458 panic email that Madge has been sending me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Something will have to be done about that old bird she is getting worse!!!!!!!!!!!!! But now my dears I am off up north to visit my friend Nicholas who needs my advice on what to give naughty boys and girls of all ages!!!..... Tonight's photos are self-explanatory and if they are not well that is TOUGH!!


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