Vlad salutes you

Saturday, December 16, 2006

More missing sleighs... Lieing Chikens and tine ticking on!!!!!!!!!!

Once again dear friends you catch me, only fleetingly as I pass through.... ( this time from the Aunt Frank's house on my way back to the north pole ) Things have taken an even more sinister turn. Yesterday in Peterborough, a northern town on you little island , a sleigh being prepared to assist Nick with his deliveries was stolen as was the truck it was mounted on!!!!!!! The police in that area have requested that I help them as they think their theft and Nicks may be related!
Personally I have absolutely no doubt, what so ever that they are!! Not only is the modus operandi similar but there were , found at both crime scenes, a large footprint, a set of cat paw prints and lastly and most damming a trail of chicken prints and feed!!!!!!! I have just left the Aunts house where I have spent the last hour interviewing the ' mild mannered Madge ' who is still professing her innocence?? I ask how can she still be doing so when my spies have photographic evidence of her involvement in this sad and sorry affair. I am afraid that although as good as banged to rights she is denying all charges ( pulling that pathetic 'I am too weak and nervous to leave the house' routine )..... well it won't wash with me Madge, love NO NO!!
There is some light on the horizon I have managed to locate and , as usual rescue my hapless father. Annuska and I found him gagged and bound and left on the shores of the Sea of Tranquillity ........ we are waiting for him to thaw out and get his breath back .... so he can fill us in what is happening. I can delay no longer and must return to the Interpol incident room where Nick is awaiting me. Below is the above mentioned photographic evidence incriminating Madge...well Aunt Frank explain that ....IF YOU CAN?


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