Vlad salutes you

Thursday, December 14, 2006

No News Is Bad News###########

Well things have not got much better of late...Since the ransom note arrive a deadly silence has fallen on the whole matter.I have to admit that despite all my best efforts and those of my team not much progress has been made! Nick and I have been out day and night scouring this planet all the neighbouring ones for signs of the sleigh and the perpetrators of this horrible crime !! Above is a photo of Nick and myself trudging through the frozen waists Pluto all to no avail.
I am so concerned as what the reaction of the children of the world will be if they wake up on Christmas morning to find no presents have been delivered .... and a nasty ransom note left where the presents should be!!!!!
Tommikins and my Father ( he who is so easily duped and led ) are still missing no one has seen them since before the sleigh went missing. Madge however has kept up her presence at the Aunt Franks but ( even though the Aunt denies that Madge has left the house) I know different ....Madge has been clock leaving and returning the Aunts house .. by my spies . Unfortunately al be it Madge is of a nervous disposition it has not stopped her giving my guys the slip. So where she has been and who she has been meeting is still a mystery.... though I cannot confirm it yet I know that she has been meeting Tommikins and that he is the mastermind behind all this trouble is of no doubt to me!...How Ivan fits into all this I am not at all sure and neither is Annuska my ( very worried mother.
Well my lovelies I must get back on the trail Nick and Mrs Claws are as we speak sat by the phone at the North Pole awaiting any new developments .....I am off now on another search with Nycol and the Tzar , Mother is searching the outer planets ....The net is closing and we have things in hand but my worry is will be be in time to save Christmas??????????????


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