Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Shock...Horror... strange new developments at the North pole!! You remember I told you that my friend Nick was having problems with his reindeer ...threatening
to mutiny ? well that has just paled into insignificance! Some one has stolen the sleigh and worst of all it was fully loaded!! Can you imagine the global implications here...MILLIONS AND MILLIONS of children ...and adults not to mention Vampire Bears being deprived of the seasonal gifts that we have all come to expect ( well I expect them as I am a very important bear )
Nick had been up all night , he and his wife and many elf helpers had been frantically dashing round getting hold of contacts in the CIA, Interpol ,Scotland Yard and Garda calling in all old favours....So far to no avail!
Not only have I had all this to deal with but I was also supposed to be down at the feeble minded assistants friends office to help out whilst some VIPS , visiting from Japan are at her office.I had got the Vladdette to sort out ( and have cleaned my best Ninger outfit... so I could watch and report on their meetings by stealth!) due to all the cafuffle up North though dressed for spying I have not been able to attend the friends office.
I now have more breaking news a ransom note has just arrived .....it does not say much though .Just let me read it........... Apparently the bounders want three billion pounds in sterling and one hundred cases of kippers, and a birch of chicken feed....... most strange, also who ever wrote the note was not the best speller and there were cat paw prints all over the note.
I am at a loss as to what to make of all this and my friend Nick is at a complete loss as what to do. What now a bat has just arrived with a missive from the Grandmother with the Invisible Cape....... what has she to say ( as if I do not have enough to deal with at the moment.) Whats this that damn Tommikins is missing again and guess who has to go and find him..... Hang on my mother Annuska was saying that my father Ivan has not been seen since last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I see a pattern emerging here........................... I shall have to go Nycol I think we can call off the CIA and Interpol I have an idea. Sorry I shall have to go things are going mad here so I shall keep you all informed as to what is happening, farewell for now. Photos yes tonights photo are one of myself with Nick and the other is a photo of the sleigh if you see it around please get intouch!!


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