Festivities End HO HO HO HO!!

Good evening my friends , what a a time I have had these past few days.... it was all entertaining on Christmas Eve !! Not withstanding that I also had to sort out Nick and his delivery problems...well that done it was all down to supervising the feeble minded assistant to do the cooking and keep all concerned happy!!
I tell you now , troublesome as Nick's problems had been it was the easier of the two tasks!! ......Never mind my travials how was your Christmas did you all survive without bludgeoning each other ...my human family did and even seemed to enjoy each others company! On other other hand my inhuman family do not, as such, celebrate Christmas. They all tend to hole up at the Castle in Transylvania drink a lot of the red stuff and eat what ever comes to hand and terrorise the locals...... I love that bit!! The castle is so unwelcoming ...damp, dank and cold just what the DR ordered!! Mother and father go out of their way to decorate the place with wreaths and dead flowers and the Grandmother lays on a banquet fit for the dead!! So refreshingly unlike your fluffy wuffy sweety weety all is lovely ..joke !! Half of you are pretending and the rest are just plain miserable ...... Hold on, sounds just like the tickets to me!!
Anyway I have not got time to hang about here as I have to take the boys out to teach them how to terrorise the peasants!! ........ Do you remember I told you while I was out looking for the stolen sleigh I met many new friends the photo at the bottom of the blog is of two chaps I met on my travels ... Gary and Baldy
will fill you in on their pedigree later.... Must be off so will speak to you all soon . So relax now all the festivities are over so now you can all slump back into your old ways and stop pretending to be enjoying yourselves!! ........................................

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