Vlad salutes you

Saturday, January 27, 2007


Again I have been so busy that I have not had enough time to to stop and chat to you as much as I would like! I have learned of the the millions of years that I have been 'FLAPPING' around this universe that this is the time of year the you newcomers (HUMANS) feel in much need of comfort and solace.... you all seem to wane in the the absence of the sun ...especially those of you who reside in the northern hemisphere of the this tiny planet Earth!! Perhaps that is the reason you are all doing your damdest to reduce your blue and green world to a dead and barren dessert.......... OK OK I have lectured you all enough on the subject and if you are all, as it would seem hell-bent on careering off into oblivion ...so be ,SO BE IT !!
This morning I returned from another universe one I have no doubt you have no comprehension or knowledge of . The Grandmother had asked me if I would visit the "Ultraverse" and check her properties there for her. You may recall my mentioning that she was hold an audit of all her properties in each universe ( Yes there are more than one and more than your clever clogs scientist think they know of!!)
When I left you last you will remember that I was off up north to check out the Aurora Borealis yet again our untrustworthy servant had had a tough too much of the evil brew and had slept through his alarm. I had to awaken him and get him sobered up so that the Northern Lights as you call them could be on display!!
While I was busy with the errant light keeper I ran into an old friend Pelonios Penguin , a very dear friend of mine who is also an immortal! I have enclosed a photo of him at the bottom of the blog as you can see he is a fine figure of a Penguin.
Whilst I was visiting the the Ultraverse I took a photo of your lovely world ..... and though the colours are a tad strange I think even your eyes will be able to see the beauty of it!! I have put that photo at the top of the blog tonight! Well duty once again calls and i must be off and at them!! I will tell you all about the adventures i had in the Ultraverse next time we meet..I bid you all a GOOD NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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