Vlad salutes you

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

New Year same old Crap

Well tell me do what on earth was all that commotion last night ...... a new year you say.... SO Bl#### WHAT, a new year is nothing to me, who has lived for millennia it is nought but the blinking of an eye!! Just why to you all make such a thing of it all promising to be nicer to each other .... making resolutions that you have absolutely no intentions of keeping..... Lets face it by the second of January you will be at each others throats... wars will still be waging ...children dyeing nations starving and fat cats getting fatter and greedier.
Face it you humans are a load of bigoted self-centred lying gits!!! I have seen you all repeat the same old crap, make the same mistakes and be down right nasty to each other for centuries and no doubt I will witness much more of the same . Yes you think you are so civilised ...go on spend Millions of pounds on Fireworks never mind the starving millions... never mind the homeless the cold . Be bigoted about gays, people of different colours, different nationalities go on carry on .. you will all disappear soon if you carry on!!!!!! I am carrying a guiding light for you all ( at the top of the blog no doubt you are all too blind to see it let alone follow it!!!)

Ok I have have had my rant .... the last one I had was a few months back ............. and you took no notice of that either. Well I would on behalf of my family and servants I would like to wish you all a happy and healthy 2007 ... but to be honest it would be completely pointless as, for as much as I have taken you humans to my heart ( metaphorically speaking as I do not have a heart) you are a lost cause and seem hell bent on making each other unhappy ans wasting all the resources of your planet!! I shall just say think on what I have had to say tonight and try now ... even though it is too late , to be better beings. Photo at the bottom of the Blog is another friend I met whilst pursuing Tommikins the sleigh thief....and to be honest he is worth a dozen of human beings ... think on !"!!


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