Vlad salutes you

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Good evening my dear friends..... I have been so busy of late I have not had time to catch my breath!!! The feeble minded assistant has been most busy at work as many of her colleagues are either off sick or taking leave which has meant that those who are left are working extra hard.
I have had great fun lately spreading angel dandruff all over your little kingdom. Such fun watching those of you who live up north having to dig your way out of your gardens, train
s grinding to a halt and traffic on the motorways slowing to a crawl .... and on the smaller roads to a complete standstill. I was particularly pleased with my efforts on Wednesday night I work extremely hard over the capital and when you all awoke you found that London itself resembled Siberia !!
The mothers friend ( the one with the office overlooking the trains) has some strange breed of creature visiting her office this week. A very dodgy breed called auditors. I have so far spent two afternoons observing them and all they do is compare
pieces of paper and add up numbers .....well I have mixed up some of their sheets for them ...that should keep them busy.......................
The Grandmother with the Invisible Cape has been very busy making an audit of her properties...... she is much stricter than your human auditors there only needs to be one cobweb out of place for heads to roll!! She was , though most impressed with the progress that the two boys of mine have been making with their night flying. If I say so myself both Vlad-san and Baby Vlad are now most impressive flyer's and swoopers!!Well my dears I must away as yet once again there is a problem with the Aurora B0realis and muggins here has to go and sort it out....no doubt Tommikins and a large bottle of wine will involved.
so farewell for now my dears!!


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