Vlad salutes you

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Gambling Debts !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well you can imagine the Grandmother reaction, not only to the fact that she was about to have her home sold out from under paws but that I was the instigator of the problem!! To add insult to injury it was in the press and and on the web and all sorts of Tosh was being written about it possibly being the Castle owned by Vlad Dracule , AKA Vlad the Impaler ...one of our minor and not so near relatives!!!!! well that was the finale straw for her! I am now as you can see from the photo at the top and bottom of my blog having to accrue as much of the readies and folding stuff as I can and as fast as I can......The Grandmother with with the Invisible Cape is not known for her patience!!!
The feeble minded assistant is as much help as a hole in the head...I have asked her to do overtime at work and she has refuse unequivocally to comply and the human father...well he is spending it quicker than I am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well I must be off I can't stand here chatting to you I must be off and earn earn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


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