Subdifuge and strange sightings??

As, those of you who have made my acquaintance , will know, I am not one to sit around wondering what she is up to . I have , after extensive investigations discovered that she is planning a holiday!!!! YES a holiday and as yet she has said nothing to me about it so I can only imagine that this is an oversight on her part....well lets face it she and Mr Oversight are not unacquainted are they? I have been through her computer and discovered that she has booked herself airline tickets and Insurance and has been in contact with one of her sisters ( and not the Aunt frank) who is abroad!!!..But there is no mention of me??? A simple lapse of memory I am sure!!
You may recall there other evening I had , had occasion to travel up North to attend to the Aurora Borealis, which our untrustworthy retainer had messed up again!! Well whilst I was there I met my old friend Pelonius Penguin....... I have known him for years and we have had some wonderful times together. He was extreemely pleased to see me and invited me back to his place for a hot drink and a good old chat! So we made our way across the the floating bergs to his magnificent igloo There is a photo at the top of this blog showing a few members of his illustrious family floating around ! After we had had our drink and some light refreshments Pelonious told me of the strange ( but regular sightings ) there had been of late of a mysterious woman out on the ice flow!............ OH! please excuse me but is that the grandmother I hear...good grief it is ....I am off before she collars me to do any more of her damn audit ....until we meet again good night ... I will continue this tale but not right now...............................
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